Monday, April 25, 2016


Hey peoples! Wassup? What's poppin'?  Wetin dey shele? Lol anyways so this week is EXAM WEEK (oh goodness)! Anyways, not much to do but study and leave the rest for God. On the bright side, I'm coming to the conclusion of my freshman year (YAY!) Next year is going to be so much better and full of success ( I CLAIM IT IN JESUS NAME! AMEN!)

So for the past few days, I have been a little stressed. I made a very big decision regarding my studies and I'm proud of my decision but I also know it's not going to be easy. I was looking for the easy way out and realized that's not me. So I decided to challenge myself. Anytiwayssss enough of my boring school life. Today is a new topic: HAPPINESS.

Very simple word, very complicated definition. Everyone has their definition of happiness, but I don't think everyone is exactly sure what it truly means to be happy. I still can't define what it means to be happy, but I know a lil sum'thing about happiness. I've felt it many times:

1. Don't ever think that in order to be happy you need a million friends or a boyfriend/girlfriend. That's not true. In all honesty, you don't need anyone to be happy. You can only make yourself happy.
2. Do what you want to do. Be who you want to be. Society is always trying to define for us, what is right and what is wrong. Only we can decide what we want.
3. Don't allow other's opinions to dictate your happiness. If you allow other's opinions to dictate your happiness, you will end up being unhappy.
4. We all make mistakes (some people dwell on their mistakes in the past a lot and can't seem to move forward) you have to learn how to forgive yourself and use what you learned to help others and make your future brighter.
5. Learn to forgive others around you. I cannot stress how important this is. If you can't forgive and move forward you will never feel true contentedness.
6. If you're living in a way you don't like, change it. Make positive changes in your life. Cut off those who are bringing negativity to you.
7. Surround yourself with people who will uplift you. A good support system (example: your family) will having you flying high on the cloud of happiness.

Be happy at all times. When I'm down or feel alone, I dance. I'm not the best dancer, but dancing makes me happy. If I don't feel like dancing, I watch Nigerian movies or YouTube videos. It always makes me bounce back to my happy state. Stop searching for happiness through friends, significant others, society, harmful or sinful acts. Learn how to be happy on your own.

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